
MSLattice is a software that can be used to generate the geometries of various types of lattices that are known as periodic cellular materials or architected materials. In particular, lattices based on the triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS). The software developed at New York University Abu Dhabi is an advanced design tool that has the following features:
  1. The user can generate the TPMS-based STL files needed for fabricating the lattices using additive manufacturing.
  2. The software allows the generation of uniform lattices as well as functionally graded lattices with cell size grading and relative density grading. Lattices can be based on sheet-networks or solid-networks
  3. The software generates samples with Cuboid, cylindrical, and spherical geometries.


MSLattice is published in the Journal of Materials Design & Processing communications.

Download your copy of MSLattice for Windows or Linux.

Inside MSLattice

MSLattice is a software package written and compiled into a standalone executable package. It runs on the Matlab runtime library. The standalone package does not require Matlab to be installed. If the runtime library is not available on the user’s computer, it will be downloaded during the installation of the MSLattice software.

The user graphical interface (GUI) consists of four main tabs, namely;

  1. Uniform TPMS lattices,
  2. Functional TPMS grading,
  3. Implicit functions, and
  4. A simple STL viewer.


The Functional TPMS grading tab contains two sub-tabs, namely (a) Relative density grading tab, and (b) Cell size grading tab. The Help menu provides a detailed description and documentation of each Tab.


How to use MSLattice #1

How to use MSLattice #2